

Bank Accounts

The Bank Accounts tab in Oval Accounting is where the Bank Accounts that have been created in Oval Administration can be managed. In order to do this, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Bank Accounts Tab in Oval Accounting.
  2. Here you have the option to either create a New Bank Account, or select one that has already been created.
  3. Select one that has already been created.
  4. You can create a new Bank Statement by clicking on add new.
  5. Enter the Bank Statement Name.
  6. Enter the Start and End Dates.
  7. Enter a reference.
  8. There is also a section to add Additional Information.
  9. Click on Save.

Once the Bank Statement has been created you can now add Transactions.

  1. Click on New Bank Transactions.
  2. Enter the Debit or Credit Amount.
  3. Enter the Transaction Date.
  4. Enter the Description.
  5. At this point you can also state whether it has been reconciled.
  6. Click on save.

The Transaction has now been setup.

End of Article.